Tentin tekstisisältö

TIE-51256 Computer Architecture - 09.12.2013

Tentin tekstisisältö

Teksti on luotu tekstintunnistuksella alkuperäisestä tenttitiedostosta, joten se voi sisältää virheellistä tai puutteellista tietoa. Esimerkiksi matemaattisia merkkejä ei voida esitää oikein. Tekstiä käytetään pääasiassa hakutulosten luomiseen.

Alkuperäinen tentti


TIE-51256 Computer Architecture Arm o |IAKALA
exam 9.12.2013 :
SIM D-t vedoc eron. Peto)
Calculators can be used KN j f t
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Dn A4oe syvä Omuanma
1. Explain shortly (max 2 lines of text): — simo - radan 1 == yt

2) stride (1p) — sceleen kreumstin, WSenY
b) EPIC (1p) ;  —
e) ROB (1p) -solet ette
d) SMT (1p)
€) strip mining (1p) - veit ate
£) IPC (1p) s.
2. Tumasulo algorithm. What is the main principle? Why it is used? (3p) SIKA 2Kh
Pesä Nerm
YO! nnen
3. Explain the differences between SIMD extensions and vector architectures? (4p) yi | IRA

4. VLIW Processor. Why VLIW processors were introduced? How they are different than
dynamically scheduled multi-issue machines? Why they have not been popular nowadays, i.e., what
kind of features make modern single-core processors more attracting than VLIWs ? (6p)

5. Interleaved memory system. What is the difference between non-interleaved and interleaved
memory system? Describe two principälorganizationsfor interleaveä memory system. Discuss the
advantages and shortcomings of interleaved memory systems compared to non-interleaved. (6p)

6. Assume a 64-byte cache memory, which uses 8-byte blocks. The cache is 2-way set associative
and uses LRU mechanism to replace blocks in the cache. Processor uses 16-bit virtual addresses to
access 16kbyte main memory. How many bits are needed for the tag fields in the cache? Draw
principal cache organization and explain your solution. (6p)

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