Tentin tekstisisältö

BME-2106 Measurements and Analysis of Physiological Systems - 16.12.2011

Tentin tekstisisältö

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Alkuperäinen tentti
BME-2106 Measurement and analysis of physiological systems
Exam 16.12.2011
No calculators allowed.

Answer all guestions. To pass the exam, you must get at least 40% of the maximum points in ALL
problems AND at least 25 points in total. Use clear handwriting. Aim at analytical and well
structured answers. Compact answers are preferred instead of long non-stop text answers. Use
graphics to illustrate your answers if possible.

1. Optical measurements are common also in medical applications. (max. 10 point)

a) Justify what benefits are obtained with optical measurements compared to more conventional
measurements in clinical applications.

b) Describe the physical absorption processes of light with different tissues.

e) Describe a medical instrumentation system for the light absorption measurements.

d) Apply above mentioned processes and instrumentation to measure oxygen saturation of blood.

What is the clinical importance of that measurement?

2. ECG is a basic physiological measurement that is most commonly measured from a resting patient
using the standard 12-lead system. (max. 15 points)

a) Explain the concept of the standard 12-lead ECG system to measure the ECG. (What and how is
measured in practice and in theory?)

b) Arrhythmia (problems in the cardiac rhythm) is a guite common cardiac problem. Briefly explain
the main categories of different cardiac arrhythmia and how they are manifested in the ECG signal.

e) Standard resting ECG recording has some limitations to diagnose different cardiac arrhythmia.
Explain what kind of limitations? These limitations can be overcome by other ECG recording
methods. Explain and compare briefly two other clinically important alternative ECG methods
with respect to the standard resting ECG to diagnose patients with a supposed arrhythmia. (method,
technology, data analysis)

3. Cardiac output is a very important clinical cardiovascular measurement guantity. (max. 10 points)
2) Explain principles of rhermodilution method to measure the CO.

b Explain principles of impedance cardiography method to measure the CO.

c) Compare the benefits and drawbacks of the two above-mentioned CO measurement methods.

4. Explain briefly in few sentences the following measurement methods (what, why and how is

measured) (max. 15 points)
2) Measurement of the depth of anaesthesia.
b) Measurement of evoked potentials of the brain.
c) Measurement in dynamic spirometry tests.
d) Measurement of electrooculogram (EOG).

e) Oscillometric non-invasive measurement of blood pressure.


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