Skilta's low voltage excursion

April 6, 2016, 2:46 p.m.


Skilta is finally arranging the long awaited for low power electronics excursion! The excursion will take place on 14.4.-15.4. and the destinations are around Savo region. During this trip we’ll be visiting Genelec’s and Insta's factories in Iisalmi and Tampere, and possibly an automation tech company in Jyväskylä.

We're staying the night in Kuopio in an apartment owned by medical school students of Kuopio, and there we’ll also have sitsit with them and the economics students of Kuopio. We’ll be sleeping on the floor, so pack a field mattress and a sleeping bag or similar.

The price of the excursion is 20€/person including the buses, sleeping and the sitsit. Tickets will be sold Skilta's myyntipäivystys/sales duty.

The rudimentary plan:

14.4. 9.30 The bus leaves from TUT 10.00 Visit at Insta (14.00 Visit in Jyväskylä) 18.00 Arrival in Kuopio 19.00 Sitsit and sleeping

15.4. 10.30 Bus leaves from Kuopio 12.00 Visit at Genelec 19.00 Return to TUT

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