Corporate relations

Sähkökilta offers diverse and customizable collaboration possibilities which you can use to reach a large number of future technology experts.

The goal of our business cooperation is to unite companies and students of electrical engineering. We offer companies individually tailored collaboration packages with the content companies want, which reach our students for sure. The students of Sähkökilta have diverse expertise in various fields of electrical engineering.

There are five different majors to choose from in the bachelor's degree
  • Elektroniikka ja sulautetut järjestelmät
  • Intermediate Studies in Signal Processing and Machine learning
  • Tietoliikennetekniikka
  • Intermediate Studies in Power Electronics and Electromechanics
  • Sähköenergiatekniikka
In the master's degree, you can continue studies with the following majors
  • Advanced Studies in Power Electronics and Electromechanics
  • Advanced Studies in Signal Processing and Machine learning
  • Advanced Studies in Smart Grids
  • Advanced Studies in Wireless Communications
  • Elektroniikan syventävät opinnot
  • Sulautettujen järjestelmien syventävät opinnot
  • Sähköenergiajärjestelmien syventävät opinnot
  • Uusiutuvien sähköenergiateknologioiden syventävät opinnot

Major subject choices are complemented by minor subjects that can be selected from the entire university offerings across faculty boundaries. These several options guarantee ample opportunities to find employment in the field of choice in the future.

Contact the corporate relations official!

Niclas Anero
Corporate Relations Executive
Member of the Board


We publish out guild’s newsletter, Sähkösanomat, at least four times a year. We offer targeted advertising in our newspaper which is a great way to reach our students. It is possible for companies to publish a freeform article in Sähkösanomat. The article can support for instance a job search or it can be about your company and the people behind it in any way you prefer. We also sell advertising space in Sähkösanomat.

Social media

Our latest conquest in cooperation methods is Instagram where you can reach almost a thousand followers who are mostly students. This means that the target audience is just right. Publications can be done as traditional posts or they can be done in Instagram’s Stories section. Even bigger cooperation and social media deals are possible and we will execute them gladly.


Sähkökilta’s website is used by our students actively and it reaches a large number of students every month. Via our website you will reach our guild’s students as well as outside visitors. With a company presentation on our site you can introduce your company and incorporate content tailored specifically to students’ interests. These things are first and foremost future employment possibilities, internships and how one can apply for a job in your company.

E-mail list

A good way to reach all our members is via our E-mail list where we offer companies the possibility to market their job advertisements. Whether it is an internship position, diploma thesis or a summer job, with our E-mail list you will reach capable workers for your needs from every annual class.

Sauna nights

Sauna nights are a big part of teekkari culture and what would be better than a corporate sauna event. In corporate saunas you get to represent your company directly to our students and meet future experts in a casual environment. Traditionally, a sauna night contains a compact company presentation, free mingling with a warm sauna available and of course some refreshments and snacks. The sauna night can, however, be modified to look like your company and to include the elements you want.


Corporate visits, or more informally excursions, are very popular among our students. We arrange these visits multiple times a year to different parts of Finland. In corporate visits you will have a fantastic opportunity to showcase your company as well as its premises and work culture to students onsite.

Overalls advertisements

An overalls advertisement is the most traditional and visible students’ hallmark and, in that way, also the most visible way of cooperation. We sell advertisement space in our new students’ overalls annually. Your company logo will be seen in the streets of Tampere and in student events for the whole studying time of each class.



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