Skilta's excursion to KONE

March 30, 2016, 12:35 p.m.


Skilta organizes an excursion for international exchange students and degree students on 13.4.2016. We will get to visit KONE Corporation in Hyvinkää and after that spend five hours in Helsinki. KONE will introduce its office and factory in English so it doesn't matter if you don't speak Finnish.

The excursion costs 5 € (if you are a member of Skilta) or 10 € (if you are NOT a member of Skilta) and you can buy the tickets from myyntipäivystys (sales duty) in Skilta's guild room. There is only room for the 30 fastest students to sign up. The last day to sign up is 4.4.2016.

Program draft: 8.00 Departure from TUT 10.00 Arrival at KONE 12.30 The visit ends and the excursion continues to Helsinki by bus 13.30 - 18.00 Spare time in Helsinki: you can tour the city, have a dinner or for example visit Ateneum or The National Museum in a small group or by yourself 18.00 The bus leaves back for Tampere 21.00 Arrival at TUT

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