Orientation week's schedule

Aug. 5, 2016, 2:13 p.m.


Hello all dear students with blue overalls! The orientation week for new fuksis will start our autumn on 22.-26.8. Schedule of orientation week for older Skilta's students below. Let's all welcome our new fuksis to TUT and to Skilta

On Sunday 21.8. is a head start for the orientation in Etunurtsi (front lawn) starting around 18 o'clock Note for fuksis: Follow the colour blue to find Skilta's students. Skilta will also bring a grill there.

On Monday 22.8. orientation week starts with a fuksisauna in Teekkarisauna where older students are welcome after 21:00.

On Tuesday 23.8. The Ekat Bileet (The First Party) in Cupola!

On Wednesday 24.8. is a Crepe party in the courtyard of Sähkötalo. The party starts after Fuksi-info (which starts at 14:15 and lasts around 1 hour)

On Thursday 25.8. fuksis will be playing volleyball or some other game in Suolijärvi. Everyone is welcome to join

On Friday 26.8. Skilta is having a movie night at school. Accurate time and place will be announced later.

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