Skilta searches for officials

Sept. 2, 2015, 4:15 p.m.


Skilta’s board has decided to continue the application time for anniversary officials. Two anniversary officials will be chosen. As an an­niversary of­fi­cial you will be re­spons­ible for Skilta’s 48th an­nual party which will take place on Sat­urday 6th of Feb­ru­ary, 2016. You will plan the party and take care of the prac­tic­al­it­ies dur­ing it. As an an­niversary of­fi­cial you can ex­press your­self and you will also get valu­able ex­per­i­ence in or­gan­iz­ing a big event. This is nice and im­port­ant pro­ject work which you can do when it best fits your sched­ule. You can ask more info by email from markus.ovaskainenstu­ You can send your application by email to The time of interviews will be announced later.

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