
Student association of Electrical Engineering at Tampere University since 1968.

Current affairs

Lost and found items in Skilta

There is again lots of lost things for example from Skilta's events in Skilta's guildroom and you can get yours...

11:54 22nd Nov 2016

Skilta's course feedback coffee

Do you have suffocated feelings of the courses you have attended? Isn’t giving KAIKU-feedback enough? Is there a course you...

14:03 15th Nov 2016

Salamasähly (floorball tournament)

Skilta will arrange a floorball tournament with the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering...

23:41 13th Nov 2016

Skilta's sports try-out: Futsal

Skilta organizes an effective elimination of a swollen feeling which is a result from Guilds Pre-Christmas cruise and Skilta's RankkaXQ...

14:13 9th Nov 2016

An exchange info in Skilta

This is an info event for degree students about studying abroad as an exchange student. The info is held in...

10:57 3rd Nov 2016

General Meeting and Sauna

Wel­come to Skilta's an­nual gen­eral meet­ing on November 7th 2016. The meet­ing starts at 2pm at lec­ture room SA203 (S2)....

13:16 28th Oct 2016

Skilta's RankkaXQ

There is still tickets to RankkaXQ! Get yours for 50 euros from Skilta's sales duty (myyntipäivystys)!! Event in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/208760719545960/ This year's...

11:55 26th Oct 2016

Skilta's sports try-out: Fencing

THERE IS STILL A LOTS OF SPACES LEFT!! Skilta organizes a fencing lesson for its members as a try-out sports. The...

11:48 26th Oct 2016

Fuksi Oath and an afterparty

This first event is an oath for Skiltas fuksis on 25th of October. The whole event is held in Finnish...

22:17 23rd Oct 2016

Still looking for a new board 2017

Skilta still needs new people to the board of 2017! If you haven't yet let us know what position you...

19:54 17th Oct 2016

Exercise hours

Welcome to play sports on our excercise hours!


20:00 21:00
Bommari, 1st playing field


Group exercise

15:00 16:00
Tamppi Arena, group exercise room



19:00 20:00
Bommari, 2nd playing field


Ball games

15:00 16:00
Tamppi Arena, ball games hall, 1st section


Problems with planning your studies?

Our study advisor is here to help! The study advisor of the Electrical Engineering degree programme can help you with selecting courses, planning your schedule and completing courses as well as other school related matters.

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An exam is coming but rehearsal material is nowhere to be seen?

You can find old exams held at Tampere University in the exam archive. Surely there's no better exam rehearsal material than the exams themselves!

Exam archive

Interested in collaboration?

We offer tailored collaboration packages to businesses. Regardless of whether your needs are big or small, we have you covered.

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Give feedback

With feedback we can improve our guild to be even better. You can give either anonymous or non-anonymous feedback.

If you want, you can give an E-mail address which we can use to contact you, but it's not required.
Please write the characters in the image into the text field.

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