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DEE-23216 Introduction to Smart Grids and Renewable Energy - 30.11.2017

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DEE-23216 Introduction to Smart Grids and Renewable Energy — P. Järventausta & S. Valkealahti
Exam 30.11.2017


You can answer in English or in Finnish

1. Are the following statements true?
You have three options to be selected: Y = yes, N = no and DK = don't know. Right answer
means one point and wrong answer one minus point. If you choose the option DK (don't know),
you will get zero point. Maximum is 6 point and minimum O point in all.
a) European Union's 20-20-20 targets means that 60 % of energy consumption in EU comes
from renewable resources. '
b) One essential feature of Smart Grids is that the power flows are controllable and multi-


c) Distributed generation along the medium voltage feeder may raise the voltage level of the

d) Electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun to the Earth surface has a power of about
170 000 TW.

e) Capacity factor of wind power plants can be even above 50%.

f) Global investments in 2015 on gas and coal based electricity generation were still a bit
higher than investments on renewable energy based electricity generation.

2. a) Compare briefly the meshed and radial network configurations (3p)

b) List the main benefits which can be achieved by Demand Kesponse (DR) (3p)

3. FExplain briefly (you can use also a drawing)
g) Forming the price of electricity energy in the wholesale market (i.e. the power exchange) (3p)

b) The different roles that electric vehicles may have in Smart Grids (3p)

4. a) Explain the basic similarities and differences between the power eguations of a hydro power
plant and a wind power plant. (2p)

b) List four main changes in the world electricity generation during the last 40 years. (2p)

c) Explain why the conversion efficiency of chemical primary energy to electrical energy is only
around 30%? (2p)

5. Explain briefly
a) The guantity air mass number (2p)
b) The basic difference between fission and fusion nuclear energy (2p)

c) The role of geothermal energy in the future electric power systems (2p)

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